Sunday, December 23, 2012

When stuck- encourage employees to confront three honest questions, on their own.

Talent management can be lot more directive and instructive in scenarios where we know what motorized or memorized skills we want our talent to posses and what predefined behaviors we want them to exhibit. Such scenarios assume managers know better! And future scenario will be some combination of historic scenarios. Increasingly both the above assumptions are questionable.

It’s about developing from within, at attitude and values level that seems to be the best chest for the talent in these uncertain and volatile times. As leaders of such talent, how do you enable your team to grow from within? Preaching, selling or telling wont work. Has it ever? Experience sharing may help and provoke them to reflect.

Accordingly, recently I shared with leaders, three questions that often help me gauge how well aligned my internal compass is with objective at hand (and that often predicts my probability of success):

Am I Genuinely Curious to know? If so, there could be no reason for not being able to find out the real issues, expectations, apprehensions, or stakes in the situation? Lack of information sources, limited time availability and inaccessibility to stakeholders are excuses to mask the lack of curiosity.

Am I Authentic in Connecting/ Reaching out? Communication gaps, in the era of multiple channels promising anytime anywhere connectivity, can only be explained as lack of intent to connect. Have I shrugged responsibility by supplying information or reached out to ensure that information is rightly received and understood? Has reaching out effort being backed by values of sharing, learning and caring for the stakeholders?

Am I Passionate enough to Contribute to making change happen? How glued I am with the big picture change that current set of activities, projects, programs intend to achieve? Do I care enough for the cause and its psychological pay-off to me not to bother about credit sharing and value apportionment, but focus on the actual value being created?

Whenever I have seen myself complaining about fidgety clients, unclear expectations, lack of resources, limited time, or team conflicts, at-least one of the above three elements is missing. At the same time, in events when all three elements are present, I am amazed at my own potential to be creative, engaging, relentless, energetic, focused and Impactful.

Reflect on situations where you (or your employees) are stuck, and see if any of the above is missing?